3 Tips about your bottled Water.


1.  Avoid using old plastic water bottles, especially if they have been creased or heated repeatedly.
Many manufacturers are phasing it out, but BPA (a petrochemical plastic derivative) is still commonly used in production of plastic bottles and is thought to be detrimental to your health. so much so that many European countries have banned its use.
Try using a refillable steel or aluminum (not plastic lined) or BPA free water bottle. They are readily available from many retailers.

2. Bottled water is up to 1500 times as expensive as tap water – and its the same stuff!
Plan ahead and refill your reusable water bottle, take it to work or leave it in the car, that way you can save money and resources.

3.  Bottled water is not Fluoridated  –
Many Dentists have recommended not to excessively use bottled water as you miss out on fluoride which aids to maintain the health of your teeth.

So think twice before you just buy another bottle!